Clicking “Pages” on the left takes you to the Pages section. Here you can create and edit Pages to be displayed on your website. Click “Add New” to create a new page, or alternatively, hovering over “New” at the top of the screen will give you the option to create a new Post, Media, Page or Project, from anywhere on the website.
- Enter a title for your page in the field labelled “Enter title here”. This then generates a unique URL for the page you will be creating.
- Any images or media files you would like to put into your page can be inserted with the “Add Media” button.
- You can enter and edit any text you would like to appear on your page in the blank form below the toolbar.
- You can save your page as a draft, so that it isn’t uploaded to the site, but is still available for use at a later time.
- “Preview” allows you to view what the page will look like on your website before uploading.
- Clicking “Publish” will upload your page to the website for the public to see.